Thursday, October 19, 2023

Remember the virtual Democratic Convention of 2020?

I wish we could do that again.

Michelle Obama was as authentic as could be. I loved it when she said she hated politics. Her description of Trump and the GOP was spot on. If only Trump could feel shame. The major divisions between the two major parties are very clear. I find it refreshing that this virtual convention allows us to see and hear people in a more realistic setting. It isn't all stagecraft, it's imperfect. 

The States' role call was heartwarming, complete with cattle milling around on the open plain in Montana and Calamari on the beach in Rhode Island. It's very diverse, just like America. I'm looking forward to more of the convention. 

I think the Democrats have it right. Yes, people want a leader who can do the job but they also want to keep our democracy. The GOP is hell-bent on destroying it. Suppressing the vote right here in America, looking the other way while foreigners meddle with the election, allowing the President to use the AG as his personal lawyer. The government exists to keep its citizens safe and to obey the laws. Republicans want to drown it in a bathtub. At the same time, they want to take every public service and privatize it. Like public education, and the postal service. They sell off huge chunks of our public lands to their corporate donors. 

It's no secret that GOP means Greed Over People. There are no better angels on the Republican side. The way they've mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic proves that. It's all about the Benjamins. Democracy gets in their way of making money off working stiffs backs. They can justify legislating 3 martini lunch bills but not extending unemployment benefits for workers during a crisis. Oh, hell no. You poor people need to figure out how to live on what a Republican politician spends at the bar in one evening. 

This immoral GOP has enabled their Bozo president to fake his way through his only term. They have shown us who they are and we should believe them. Gutless, heartless, greedy, and even more repulsive when they try to prop up their failed leader.

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